Glide over the markers placed on the itinerary below, then click on a service provider to open their file
Discover the services offered in the communities along the section. For optimal viewing, turn your smartphone on its side.
- Bed and breakfast La Villa de Mazamet
- Bed and breakfast Villa O’Parfum
- Bed and breakfast Les Jardins de Mazamet
- Bed and breakfast La Grande Maison
- Hotel Le Boulevard
Bike services
- Rentals-repairs 2 x 2 roues
Food services
- Restaurant Le Boulevard
Cultural activities
Food services
- Restaurant La Voie Gourmande
Products & services
- Organic energy products (fruit juices, bars, …) La Bonne Énergie
- Bed and breakfast Bastide du Thoré
- Bed and breakfast La Bouriotte
- Bed and breakfast Le Petit Paradis
- Holiday rental Le Domaine du Thoré
Bike services
- Rental-repair-sale Manu All Bikes
Cultural activities
- Bed and breakfast Nabat le Haut
- Bed and breakfast and holiday rental La Métairie Basse
- Holiday rental Chez Louise & Le Doux Murmure
- Holiday rental Le Rocadel
Cultural activities
- Cave of the Fileuse de Verre
- Bed and breakfast Le Lorrain
- Bed and breakfast Maison de l’Aguze
- Bed and breakfast Occit’Homières
- Camping Les Cerisiers du Jaur
- Hotel Le Somail
Cultural activities
Food services
Products & services
- Newsagent & Bookshop Faure Vincent
- Grocery shop Sami
- Winegrower La Clé d’Ô’Fée
- Restouble Trip (passenger transport)
- Bed and breakfast Le Lorrain
- Bed and breakfast Maison de l’Aguze
- Bed and breakfast Occit’Homières
- Camping Les Cerisiers du Jaur
- Hotel Le Somail
Cultural activities
Food services
Products & services
- Newsagent & Bookshop Faure Vincent
- Grocery shop Sami
- Winegrower La Clé d’Ô’Fée
- Restouble Trip (passenger transport)
- Bed and breakfast; Holiday rental Le Clos d’Audio
Food services
- Pizza truck (Monday 9am-8:30pm) Pizza Loca
Products & services
- Bakerie Myriam & Vincent
- Bed and breakfast Le Moulin d’Arcas
- Camping Les terrasses du Jaur
- Holiday rental Les vignes de la Coste
- Camparols eco-friendly accomodation
Food services
- Caterer La cuisine de Sandrine
- Pizza truck (Saturday 9am-8:30pm) Pizza Loca
Products & services
- Bakerie-Grocery shop Les gourmandises d’Eléa & Manon
Food services
- Pizza truck (Thursday 9am-8:30pm) Pizza Loca
- Restaurant La Gare
Products & services
- Holiday rental Le Paillet des Artistes
Food services
- Food Truck Djo’lly Truck
Products & services
- Brewer Raspailhac
- Bed and breakfast La Maison d’Els
- Holiday rental Les Houles & L’Orb
- Hotel Laissac
Food services
- Bar-Restaurant Laissac
- Pizza truck (Tuesday and Friday 9am-8:30pm) Pizza Loca
- Pizzeria La Lampisterie
- Restaurant Fleurs d’Olargues
Products & services
- Bakerie Aux Bêtises de Nico
- Organic shop Le Chêne Vert
- Grocery shop Lander – chez Nanette & Micka
- Camping Caroux
- Bed and breakfast-Holiday rental Manoir La Trivalle
- Holiday rental L’Interlude
Bike services
- Rental-repair Caroux Electro Vélo
Outdoor activities
- Canoeing-kayaking Canoë Tarassac
- Canyoning-Potholing-Rock climbing-Hiking Aventure34
Outdoor activities
- Rock climbing-“Via ferrata” climbing trail-Canyoning-MTB Acroroc
- Treetop adventure course Arbracadabranche
- Camping-Holiday rental for groups Spring Garden
- Holiday rental Château de Colombières
Food services
- Pizza truck (Sunday 9am-8:30pm) Pizza Loca
Outdoor activities
- Horse riding Spring Garden
- Holiday rental La Laiterie
- Hotel Belleville
- Hotel de ma Tante
- Hotel des Thermes
Food services
- Bar-Restaurant Belleville
- Takeaway Méli-Mélo
- Bed and breakfast Des Lits sur la Place
- Apartments and spa Le Couvent d’Hérépian
Cultural activities
Food services
- Restaurant L’Ocre Rouge
Cultural activities
- Artist Patrick Amorsi
Products & services
- Grocery shop La P’tite Hélène
The PassaPaïs greenway follows the narrow fold of the Thoré, Jaur and Orb valleys. Developed between 2006 and 2013 on the former Mazamet-Bédarieux railway line by the Hérault and Tarn departmental councils, it covers 76km.
The Tarn section follows the Thoré valley, where livestock breeding and the wool pulling and weaving trades flourished. After 10km of flat stretches, it gradually climbs towards the Fenille pass which marks the watershed crossing and the borders of the departments.
In the Hérault the landscape changes, with chestnut forests, scrubland, the Caroux mountain range and small-scale agriculture (chestnuts, vines, cherries, ….).