Musée de l’universalité du tapis d’art sacré – (The universality of sacred art carpets)

Close to the Musée du Textile, on the old world wool route, in the beautiful setting of the Château communal de Valtoret, the Association Museum “L’universalité du tapis d’art sacré” (The Universality of Sacred Art Carpets), open to all visitors, including people with reduced mobility and children, offers a majestic exhibition of 132 prayer, religious and meditation carpets, hand-knotted by a dozen different faiths, from 17 countries and dating from the 17th century to the present day.

Art is beautiful everywhere, whatever the religion or people. Many of the Museum’s carpets are works of art that should not remain hidden, because they belong to humanity.

The Sacred Art section also features paintings and ceramics by well-known artists from the Association Valtorétaine, which runs the Museum, as well as an educational exhibition of terracotta and ceramics from the Cradle of Civilisation, from the Neolithic period to the modern Hittit.

Children can take a fun, introductory tour of the interior…

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