The website www.passapaisveloccitanie.fr is the property of :
PassaPaïs-Véloccitanie network of professionals
Parc naturel régional du Haut-Languedoc
1 place du Foirail – BP 9
34220 Saint-Pons-de-Thomières
Design, editing and hosting
Publisher: PassaPaïs-Véloccitanie network of professionals
Director of publication: Pierre-Franck LUYE (President)
Web design and production: Stéphanie Hernandez, S-com-Science
Hosting: OVH, 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
This entire site is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, whether for content, downloadable documents, illustrations or photographs. The reproduction of all or part of this site on any medium whatsoever is formally prohibited, except with the express authorisation of the director of the publication.